What Bob Barker Decided To Do With His Fortune After Death

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Chatting with ET after Bob Barker died, the TV star's publicist, Roger Neal, revealed a story about just how far Barker's passion for animal welfare would go. Neal told the outlet he was contacted by an emergency veterinarian after Barker's death was announced, who told him that Barker once brought an injured rat to the hospital where she worked. According to the emergency vet, Barker said, "I want you to do everything you can to save this rat." Neal continued, "It was $2,000 to save this rat's life and he said, 'Do it.' No one knew about that. I didn't even know about that. He did no press around it," Neal said.

On the drive to increase rates of animal spay and neutering, Barker told The Times in 2004, "There are just too many cats and dogs being born. Animals are being euthanized by the millions simply because there are not enough homes for them. In the United States, there is a dog or cat euthanized every 6.5 seconds."

Among many other examples, The New York Times reported in the past, Barker gave $5 million to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and $25 million to the DJ&T Foundation, a spay and neutering support service. According to TMZ, DonkeyLand Rescue, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and the United Activists for Animal Rights were just a few of the animal welfare-based charities where Barker left a large portion of his estate.
