AEW Dynamite Results (2/1/23): Darby Allin vs. Samoa Joe, Page vs. Moxley

May 2024 · 5 minute read

All Elite Wrestling offered fans an action-packed show with the February 1 episode of .

TNT Champion Darby Allin defended the title against Samoa Joe in a No Holds Barred Match. Plus, Hangman Page faced Jon Moxley, and Konosuke Takeshita took on Brian Cage. Elsewhere on the show, Jade Cargill defended the TBS Championship against Red Velvet, and Bryan Danielson faced Timothy Thatcher.

The results are as follows:

Moxley’s father accompanies him to the ring, along with Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta. Moxley takes the fight to Hangman during his entrance and slams him into the barricade. The fight spills into the crowd, as Page fires up with some punches. He nails Moxley with a big boot. Moxley wrenches Hangman in a leg-lock and flips him off. Hangman spills a drink in his face to escape. Moxley hits Hangman with a chair and targets his leg. He puts Page’s leg in a chair and goes to stomp on it, but Page throws the chair at him. Hangman slams Moxley onto the chair. They finally get in the ring, and the bell rings, so the match is underway. Moxley is bleeding, but he drops Page with a dropkick to the knee. He traps Hangman in a Figure-Four.

Page rallies with a German suplex. He wipes Moxley’s blood on his chest. The two foes trade blows, and Hangman drops Mox with a fallaway slam. Moxley drills Page with a clubbing blow when he goes for a springboard lariat. They battle on the apron, and Page slams Moxley into the ring post. The former champions exchange strikes outside of the ring. Back inside, Hangman slams Moxley with an avalanche Death Valley Driver. He tells Moxley to stay down, but Moxley flips him off. He hits a cutter and gains momentum with some strikes. They trade suplexes. Moxley slams Page over the top with a suplex. He elbows Page and locks in a choke before he transitions and stomps Page. Moxley locks in arm-bar, but Page reaches the ropes. Page dumps Mox to the outside and goes for a moonsault, but Mo counters and floors him with a lariat. Page hits a pop-up powerbomb through a table. Page rolls back into the ring, and Moxley slowly follows him. Page gets a two count with the Deadeye.

Moxley levels Page with a lariat. They trade forearms, and Page hits a thrust kick. He gets a two count with a small package driver. Moxley counters the Buckshot, but Page plants him with the Tombstone. Page hits the Buckshot for a two count. He locks in the Bulldog Choke, but Mox stacks Page up and pins him.

Ohio's own @JonMoxley is victorious tonight in Dayton!
Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS right now!

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 2, 2023

After the match, Castagnoli and Yuta enter the ring, as Hangman is clearly frustrated. Castagnoli and Yuta hold Moxley back, and Claudio tells Hangman to leave, but it’s clear that their rivalry isn’t over yet.

TNT Champion Darby Allin discusses his upcoming title match with Samoa Joe. The former champion says he’s coming to take back what’s his.

The Bunny challenges Jamie Hayter to an eliminator match, and she accepts. The camera cuts away as Saraya and Toni Stirm are attacking Britt Baker. Saraya says AEW is their house.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) vs. Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum

The Acclaimed come to the ring as Max Caster raps during their entrance. Floyd and Magnum mockingly try to scissor, but the champions hit the Scissor Me Timbers. They scissor with Billy Gunn. Bowens hits the Arrival, and Caster hits the Mic Drop for the win.

The Gunns (Austin & Colten Gunn) come to the ring and confront the champions. They say they want a shot at the titles. Bowens calls The Acclaimed the most popular tag team in wrestling and the forever champions. He asks the people if they think The Gunns deserve a title shot, and the crowd boos. Bowens rejects The Gunn’s request. Billy Gunn separates them and says he’s sick of it. He walks out, and Austin says Billy is doing what he did throughout their childhood. He tells Billy to do what he used to do and drown his sorrows at the bottom of a pill bottle. Billy comes back to the ring and says they’ll get their tag title shot.

#TheGunns (@theaustingunn @coltengunn) are here to talk about something serious, and @RealBillyGunn has had enough.
Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS!

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 2, 2023

Backstage, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry says he had a great time teaming up with HOOK, but he’s focused on being a champion by himself now.

Takeshita uses his quickness to gain the early advantage, and he sends Cage to the outside. He dives onto Cage. “The Machine” powerbombs Takeshita into the ring post. Cage takes control, but the two competitors trade blows. Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cage suplexes Takeshita into the ring from the apron. He grounds the fan-favorite star. Cage hits a tiger feint kick and continues to control the action. He dumps Takeshita on his head with a German suplex. Takeshota rallies and catches Cage with a dropkick. He floors the powerhouse with a lariat. Takeshita gets a two count with a German suplex. Takeshita hits a Liger Bomb for a two count. Cage gets a two count with a backdrop driver. Cage powers through a Brainbuster, but Takeshita hits a second one.

Takeshita hits an avalanche Brainbuster. He nails Cage with a knee strike and pins him.

Hard-fought victory for @takesoup tonight on #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS!

— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 2, 2023

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!
