Elysiums Latest Trailer Features The Evil Secretary Delacourt

May 2024 · 3 minute read

By Rudie Obias | Published 11 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

This summer has seen some highs and lows when it comes to the science fiction genre. It started off with a bang with the latest Marvel movie Iron Man 3, then became a little more tepid with the latest from director J.J. Abrams and his Star Trek Into Darkness, and then the questionable efforts of Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel and M. Night Shymalan’s After Earth. We have a few more weeks left in the summer movie-going season, so we can fully be excited for the latest from Mexican director Guillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim; the third and final film in the Three Flavours Cornetto (Blood and Ice Cream) trilogy, Edgar Wright’s The World’s End; and finally the sophomore effort from director Neill Blomkamp, the science fiction allegory Elysium.

With about a month until it’s released in theaters, Sony has released a new trailer for Elysium that is a more condensed version of the film’s last trailer, but with new sequences that include Secretary Delacourt’s (Jodie Foster) true villainy and bounty hunter Kruger’s (Sharlto Copley) evil badassness!

The new trailer also highlights the massive division between social classes in the world of Elysium. It seems as if the future of Elysium will be far more bleak and desperate than that depicted in Blomkamp’s debut feature film, District 9. In that film, only one group (the refugee aliens) was singled out for unfair treatment by the ruling class, but in Elysium you’re either fabulously wealthy and living on the wonderful space station in question, or you’re stuck on the overpopulated hellhole that Earth has become. while it seems like everybody in the world is unfairly treated by a minority ruling class. I can’t wait to hear what Fox News has to say about Blomkamp’s latest science fiction film.

Over the past few weeks, Sony has been releasing a steady stream of TV spots, exclusive images, and movie posters for Blomkamp’s Elysium. If all went as originally planned, we could have already seen Elysium. A while back, Sony decided to push the film’s release date from March to August. Hopefully, the quality of the film will be worth the longer wait.

In the year 2154, the world’s population is separated into two distinct social classes: the powerful and mega-wealthy live a luxurious, disease-free lifestyle on an orbiting space station called Elysium, while everybody else is left to toil for limited food and water on the ruins of the overpopulated world.

After a terrible factory accident, Max De Costa (Matt Damon) is left with only five days to live, and his only hope for survival is to undertake a dangerous mission to Elysium to find a cure. Elysium’s hard-lined government official, Secretary Delacourt, is sworn to protect its wealthy citizens of Elysium from outsiders. She enforces the orbiting space station’s strict anti-immigration laws, and she sends a villainous bounty hunter named Kruger to stop Max at any cost.

The latest Neill Blomkamp film also features actors Wagner Moura, Alice Braga, Diego Luna, William Fichtner, and Faran Tahir as Minister Patel.

Elysium will hit theaters everywhere on August 9, in IMAX.
