Gene Roddenberry Net Worth How Much is Gene Roddenberry Worth?

May 2024 · 11 minute read

Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the iconic “Star Trek” franchise, was not only a visionary in the world of science fiction but also a wealthy individual. At the time of his death, Gene Roddenberry had a net worth of $500 million, making him one of the most financially successful figures in the entertainment industry.

But where did Roddenberry’s wealth come from? A significant portion of his net worth can be attributed to the future rights and intellectual property of the “Star Trek” franchise. This groundbreaking series has generated billions of dollars in royalties and box office receipts over the years, solidifying Roddenberry’s place as a financial powerhouse.

So, what exactly does Gene Roddenberry’s net worth include? It encompasses various assets and earnings accumulated throughout his illustrious career. From the lucrative royalties from “Star Trek” merchandise and syndication deals to his salary as a writer and producer, Roddenberry’s wealth was indeed astounding.

gene roddenberry net worth

Key Takeaways:

Early Life

In this section, we will dive into the early life of Gene Roddenberry, the visionary creator of the “Star Trek” franchise. Born on August 19, 1921, in El Paso, Texas, Roddenberry moved with his family to Los Angeles at a young age.

As a baby, Roddenberry relocated to Los Angeles, where he would later attend Los Angeles City College. During his time there, he pursued a major in political science and discovered a passion for aeronautical engineering.

“One of the things that attracted me to science fiction was the sense that it had substantial ideas beyond the mere fantasy elements.”

Throughout his early life, Roddenberry’s interest in science fiction and exploration began to shape his future endeavors. This curiosity, coupled with his academic pursuits, laid the foundation for his groundbreaking contributions to the entertainment industry in the years to come.

Military Service

Gene Roddenberry’s military service played a significant role in shaping his life and career. In 1941, after obtaining a pilot’s license, Roddenberry enlisted in the US Army Air Corps. He demonstrated his dedication and passion for aviation by serving in Hawaii with the Thirteenth Air Force.

During his time in the military, Roddenberry’s responsibilities expanded beyond piloting. He became a plane crash investigator, utilizing his expertise and knowledge to unravel the causes of aviation accidents. It was a demanding role that required sharp analytical skills and attention to detail.

However, Roddenberry’s military career faced a turning point when he was involved in a plane crash investigation. Despite being initially implicated, he was absolved of responsibility, allowing him to continue serving in the United States.


gene roddenberry military service

Following the incident, Gene Roddenberry dedicated the rest of his military career to his homeland. His time in the Army Air Corps undoubtedly influenced his future endeavors, instilling in him invaluable experiences, discipline, and a deep sense of duty.

Early Television Career

Before creating “Star Trek,” Gene Roddenberry had a successful television career, working as a screenwriter and scriptwriter for several popular shows. His contributions to the industry showcased his talent and creativity, laying the foundation for his groundbreaking work.

One of Roddenberry’s notable projects was “Highway Patrol,” a popular police drama series that aired from 1955 to 1959. The show, known for its thrilling storylines and realistic portrayal of law enforcement, provided Roddenberry with valuable experience in writing for television.

Another significant milestone in Roddenberry’s early career was his involvement in the hit western series “Have Gun – Will Travel.” He worked as a scriptwriter and won the prestigious Writers Guild of America award for Best Teleplay in 1958 for his episode titled “The Yuma Treasure.”

Roddenberry also made a notable contribution to the series “The Lieutenant” as a screenwriter and producer. The drama, which aired from 1963 to 1964, explored the experiences of young Marine Corps officers and tackled relevant social issues of the time.

“My experience in writing for ‘Highway Patrol,’ ‘Have Gun – Will Travel,’ and ‘The Lieutenant’ provided me with invaluable insights into creating compelling narratives and captivating characters for television.” – Gene Roddenberry

These early television projects not only showcased Roddenberry’s talent but also demonstrated his versatility as a writer. They laid the groundwork for his future success, setting the stage for the creation of one of the most beloved science fiction franchises of all time.

Stay tuned for the next section to explore the iconic world of “Star Trek” and Gene Roddenberry’s role in shaping it.

“Highway Patrol”1955-1959Screenwriter
“Have Gun – Will Travel”1957-1963Scriptwriter
“The Lieutenant”1963-1964Screenwriter, Producer

Gene Roddenberry Television Career

Star Trek

Gene Roddenberry is best known as the creator of the “Star Trek” franchise. The series, which began in 1966, quickly gained a dedicated and passionate following. Roddenberry’s visionary storytelling, along with the captivating characters and thought-provoking themes, captured the imaginations of fans around the world.

gene roddenberry star trek

Throughout his career, Roddenberry remained involved with the “Star Trek” franchise, working on various projects that expanded the universe he had created. One of these projects was “Star Trek: The Animated Series,” which aired from 1973 to 1974 and continued the adventures of the original series characters in an animated format.

Another notable project was “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” which premiered in 1987 and introduced a new generation of characters and stories set in the “Star Trek” universe. Roddenberry served as the executive producer of the series and made significant contributions to its development.

Gene Roddenberry’s Legacy

Gene Roddenberry’s creation, “Star Trek,” has had a lasting impact on popular culture. The franchise has spawned multiple television series, films, books, and merchandise, all of which continue to attract a devoted fanbase.

“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but to take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in lifeforms. […] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.”

– Gene Roddenberry

Gene Roddenberry’s vision of an inclusive and progressive future continues to resonate with fans and has inspired countless individuals to pursue careers in science, technology, and exploration.

Star Trek SeriesYears Aired
Star Trek: The Original Series1966-1969
Star Trek: The Animated Series1973-1974
Star Trek: The Next Generation1987-1994
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine1993-1999
Star Trek: Voyager1995-2001
Star Trek: Enterprise2001-2005
Star Trek: Discovery2017-present
Star Trek: Picard2020-present

With numerous spin-offs, films, and an ever-growing universe, “Star Trek” remains a beloved and influential franchise, continuing to inspire audiences to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before.

Other Projects

In addition to “Star Trek,” Gene Roddenberry was involved in several other projects throughout his career. These endeavors showcased his diverse talents and further solidified his impact in the entertainment industry.

Pretty Maids All in a Row

gene roddenberry pretty maids all in a row

One notable project was the film “Pretty Maids All in a Row,” which Roddenberry wrote and produced in 1971. The movie, directed by Roger Vadim, explored themes of dark comedy and sexuality within a high school setting. It featured a star-studded cast, including Rock Hudson and Angie Dickinson, and showcased Roddenberry’s ability to venture into different genres.

Genesis II and The Questor Tapes

During the 1970s, Roddenberry created two science fiction television projects: “Genesis II” and “The Questor Tapes.” These stories delved into futuristic concepts and explored human nature and potential in unique ways.

“Genesis II” followed the adventures of Dylan Hunt, a scientist who finds himself in a post-apocalyptic world. The series focused on the survival and rebirth of civilization.

“The Questor Tapes” centered around the character Questor, an android with incomplete programming who seeks to discover his true purpose. The show explored themes of identity and the nature of humanity.

Roddenberry Foundation

Gene Roddenberry’s impact extended beyond the realm of entertainment. He was also the founder of the Roddenberry Foundation, an organization that supports various initiatives and developments globally. The foundation’s mission is to find innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, including environmental sustainability, social justice, and equal access to education and healthcare.

Through his other projects, Gene Roddenberry demonstrated his creative range and visionary mindset, leaving a lasting impact on both the entertainment industry and the world at large.

Personal Life and Death

Gene Roddenberry’s personal life was marked by two marriages, each significant in their own right. His first marriage was to Eileen-Anita Rexroat, which lasted from 1942 to 1969. Gene and Eileen-Anita had two children together, Darleen and Dawn. However, their marriage eventually ended in divorce.

Following his divorce, Gene Roddenberry entered into his second and most famous marriage with Majel Barrett, an actress known for her iconic portrayal of Christine Chapel in the original “Star Trek” series. Their marriage began in 1969 and lasted until Gene’s death. Majel played various characters throughout the “Star Trek” franchise, including Nurse Chapel and the voice of the ship’s computer.

Tragically, Gene Roddenberry passed away on October 24, 1991, at the age of 70. His death was attributed to cardiopulmonary arrest, which was a result of complications from a stroke. The loss of Gene Roddenberry was a significant blow to the entertainment industry and “Star Trek” fans around the world.

Gene Roddenberry Death

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy Net Worth

William Shatner, best known for his portrayal of Captain Kirk in the original “Star Trek” series, has a net worth of $100 million. Leonard Nimoy, who brought the iconic character Mr. Spock to life, had a net worth of $45 million before his passing.

Both actors enjoyed successful careers beyond their roles in “Star Trek.” Shatner went on to star in popular shows like “T.J. Hooker” and “Boston Legal,” showcasing his versatility as an actor. Nimoy also continued to grace the big screen, appearing in the new “Star Trek” films as well as other projects.

Here’s a snapshot of their net worth:

ActorNet Worth
William Shatner$100 million
Leonard Nimoy$45 million

These figures illustrate the financial success achieved by Shatner and Nimoy throughout their careers, solidifying their status as beloved and respected actors in the entertainment industry.

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy Net Worth

Other Original Series Cast Net Worth

Aside from Gene Roddenberry and the main cast members William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, the original “Star Trek” series featured a talented ensemble cast, each with their own net worth. Here’s a breakdown of the net worth of some of the other key cast members:

These talented actors contributed to the success of the original “Star Trek” series and each had their own financial success as a result.


How much was Gene Roddenberry worth?

Gene Roddenberry had a net worth of 0 million at the time of his death, including the estimated value of the “Star Trek” franchise.

When and where was Gene Roddenberry born?

Gene Roddenberry was born on August 19, 1921, in El Paso, Texas.

What was Gene Roddenberry’s military service?

Gene Roddenberry enlisted in the US Army Air Corps in 1941 and served in Hawaii with the Thirteenth Air Force.

What were some of Gene Roddenberry’s early television career highlights?

Before creating “Star Trek,” Gene Roddenberry worked as a television screenwriter and scriptwriter for shows such as “Highway Patrol,” “Have Gun – Will Travel,” and “The Lieutenant.” He won the Writers Guild of America award for Best Teleplay in 1958.

What is Gene Roddenberry best known for?

Gene Roddenberry is best known as the creator of the “Star Trek” franchise.

Did Gene Roddenberry work on any other projects?

Yes, Gene Roddenberry also wrote and produced the film “Pretty Maids All in a Row” and created the television film “Genesis II” and the series “The Questor Tapes.” He also founded the Roddenberry Foundation.

What was Gene Roddenberry’s personal life and cause of death?

Gene Roddenberry was married twice. His first marriage ended in 1969, and he married Majel Barrett, who inherited his fortune after his death. He passed away in 1991 at the age of 70 due to cardiopulmonary arrest.

What are the net worths of William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy?

William Shatner has a net worth of 0 million, and Leonard Nimoy had a net worth of million before his death.

What are the net worths of the other original "Star Trek" series cast members?

DeForest Kelley had a net worth of million, James Doohan had a net worth of million, Nichelle Nichols had a net worth of million, George Takei had a net worth of million, Walter Koenig had a net worth of million, and Majel Barrett had a net worth of million-plus.
